Water Reducing Tips

Considerate Plumbing & Roofing • September 14, 2022

How to save money on water!

We're often looking for simple solutions to keep our homes green and save money at the same time, particularly with interest rates going up. But often we unknowingly do things that might be sending our good intentions down the drain so to speak, lets talk about how much water we waste every day week and year around the home and how we might be able to save water and reduce the water bill.

A lot of that waste happens in the bathroom, there's a reason Europeans call the bathrooms water closets, after all they are denoted as WC on house plans. Roughly 60% of all the water consumed in the home is done right from the bathroom, between the bath tub, showers, basins and toilets. So here's some ideas on how you might be able to cut back your families water consumption in a meaningful way. 

First an easy way to get big savings in water and energy is to install something called a low flow shower head which are available from various hardware stores. Using a water saving shower head has the potential to cut your water usage by up to 75,000 litres per year and can save you at least 10% on the cost of heating your water, which is a great position to be in for winter. Another great idea, is a low flow toilet, which are a relative new concept and are generally required for most new constructions. They typical use only a third of the water older toilets use, so if it's time to upgrade or you need to replace an old toilet, consider a low flow. 

When it comes to basins, you might want to consider an air raider that screws onto the end of your faucet. It will help you cut down on water use because it actually mixes air bubbles into the stream, it kind looks like white water when it comes out. In the end you get just as much pressure with a lot less water. 

But let's say you don't want to spend any money on you fixtures. Well, here are seven ways you can use less water without spending a cent. 

1. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth rather than simply letting it run. 

2. Fill your sink with a little hot water and turn the tap off while shaving.

3. Fill a milk jug with stones or a weight and place it in your toilet tank to displace water causing less to be used.

4. Fix any toilet and faucet leaks immediately call Considerate Plumbing and Roofing.

5. Avoid using your toilet as a rubbish, for example putting used tissues in it and flushing.

6. Reduce the time you spend showering by two minutes, move quicker in the shower as if it was cold. 

7. As you're waiting for your bath water to warm up to the right temperature, capture the cold water in a bucket and use it on the garden or your indoor plants.

About 30% of the water we consume is used outdoors and watering lawns, and gardens is the biggest part of that. But there is a significant water drain you can cut out all together. The weekly carwash. Did you know the average professional carwash uses about 132 litres of water for each car wash. However, doing it yourself at home generally leads to using more.

How do we know this? Well most garden hoses spray about 37 litres per minute. So you can see how easy you could use over 132 litres of water during a car wash, not to mention all the oil, grime and other pollutants that will run into the waterways. 

Another alternative is to use a combination of water washing and waterless washing. There are a variety of waterless car washing products on the market these days, simply chose one that might suit your needs. 

Hopefully you can take some tips away from this article and implement them into you daily life. You will be amazed how these atomic habits will help save water and reduce your water bills.

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